Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Operation Renewed Hope...

I was so blessed to be able to work with a medical missions team that was out here last week. It was a big surprise to me too. They were originally supposed to be going out to Kaungu, but because of a landslide they ended up holding two clinics in our general area.

I was the assistant (well technically assistant to the assistant...pretty much the most important person there :) to Dr. Adam Naler. He was the dentist. lol I don't know how many teeth we pulled. I'm guessing it was over 100 for the week. Sowed up a few peoples gums. It was pretty gross. I will NEVER EVER skip a brushing or flossing again!

We had a great set up. The people would come the evening before the clinic hear the gospel. They then were presented with their ticket for the next day. Then when they came the next after they were treated they went in again to the church and were presented the gospel. Many John&Romans were handed out and many souls saved.

The group of people we were privileged to work with were so warm and friendly. Though we were there to work we had a great time of fellowship. Met a lot of great people. haha And I even got to work on the language...probably will end up being an interpreter next year...haha Ya right :)

Andrea was here with us for the week of the medical team. I had so much fun getting to know here better. What an amazing person, and what a blessing she is gonna be in Masaka. At the same time we were really sad to see her go!

My friend Anna and her father, Pastor Craig Houston are out here right now. We are having a great time with them. Today Anna and Katie to the orphanage to teach the Bible and English. We got to enjoy Queen Elizabeth National Park with them Yesterday. That was really fun. We rode on top of the vehicles. lol haha a few of us got some sun.

How awesome is it being where God wants you? Incredible :)

Love you all at home...

Kristen Noel Tracht


  1. Sounds amazing!!! Andrea is one of the coolest people, and you all are really lucky to have her :)
    love you too..:)

  2. You are one amazing young lady. Love ya
